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Wisdom: Strategies for Better Business

July 2023 Newsletter


Business teamwork

This Month's Contributors

African Business Man


Young Businesswoman Using Laptop


Photo of Man Holding a Book


From the HRQUEEN

Dear Champions of Change,

As your ally and guide, I'm delighted to unveil the first issue of "Workplace Wisdom". Whether you're a new manager, a business owner, a team leader, or an HR professional seeking to foster a positive, productive workplace, this resource is for you. And yes, seasoned pros looking for a fresh perspective, we're here for you too.

Our mission is simple yet profound - to equip you with tools and insights to create thriving workplaces. Our pages brim with wisdom on fostering an engaging work environment, revolutionizing onboarding processes, maximizing productivity with AI, and nurturing emotional intelligence for effective leadership.

"Workplace Wisdom" is more than a newsletter; it's your trusted compass guiding you through the leadership landscape. Here's to navigating these exciting seas together, building better businesses, and inspiring growth and excellence within our teams.

To leadership and beyond,



Charting Your Course:

A New Manager's Guide to Effective Leadership and Fostering a Productive Workplace

Written By Marcus Harris, PHR

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"The art of communication is the language of leadership. "- James Humes

Taking charge as a new manager is both exhilarating and daunting. The excitement of promotion often comes hand-in-hand with the anxiety of stepping into uncharted waters. And here's the kicker - studies show that new managers rarely receive the training they need to be successful. This lack of preparation can lead to high turnover and underperformance.

But success is far from just technical know-how or a stroke of good luck. It's about acquiring wisdom, honing motivational skills, and guiding your team members towards a sense of personal accountability. It's about mastering the art of communication – knowing not just what to say, but how to say it.

Let's talk business, let's talk success

Key competencies for new managers to thrive:

  • Clarity in Communication
  • Leadership Upside Down
  • Remote Leadership Mastery
  • Addressing Uncomfortable Situations
  • Accountability and Performance Standards
  • Fostering Workplace Culture
  • Mentorship and Guidance
  • Discipline with Respect
  • Avoiding Rookie Pitfalls

In the next section, we're going to take a deep dive into these must-have skills you'll need to rock your new manager role and keep climbing that leadership ladder!

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Let's dive deeper into Clarity in Communication:

We often underestimate the power of clear, concise communication. Yet, it's one of the most critical tools in a leader's arsenal. Without it, miscommunication can quickly lead to confusion, frustration, decreased morale, and a stifling of productivity—hardly an environment conducive to growth.

Effective communication isn't just about the delivery of your message. It's about ensuring that the message lands as intended and resonates with your team. And let's be honest, with the myriad of communication styles, cultural nuances, and personality types in the workplace, this isn't a one-size-fits-all game. Achieving clarity, consistency, and transparency is an art in itself—one that can distinguish good managers from truly great leaders.

A recent Gallup study showed that an incredible 70% of an employee's motivation is influenced by his or her manager. Imagine the power of using effective, clear communication to motivate and engage your team? The result: a more productive, content workforce, and a more positive work environment. Who wouldn't want that?

Streamline Your Communications.

Take Communication to the

Next Level with Marcus Velazquez:

click to play the video

Watch this powerful TEDx talk featuring Marcus Alexander Velazquez, the dynamic instructor behind our highly recommended course. In the video above, Marcus dives deep into the importance of effective communication, offering invaluable insights you can apply in your professional life. Watch it now and anticipate even more in his course, "4 Simple Steps to Becoming the Best Communicator You Can Be"!

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Enhancing your Communication Arsenal:

Course Recommendation for New Managers

Less Than Symbol

Simplifying Effective Communication:

"4 Simple Steps to Becoming the Best Communicator You Can Be" by Better Communication LLC

For managers starting their communication improvement journey, this course, which I personally recommend, lays the groundwork. It's designed to be simple and to the point, requiring less than two hours of your time. You'll learn how to deliver effective communication tailored to any audience, making it enticing rather than burdensome. This course can help improve not just your professional relationships, but your personal ones too. The cost for this course is only $149 and this includes a certification. Intrigued? Enroll here.

click to play the video

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To become an effective leader consider the refreshing realm of "upside-down" leadership, where the classic "top-down" management gets a twist. This innovative approach champions the principles of coaching and motivation, fostering a collaborative and empowered work environment. Instead of dictating, you'll be encouraging and guiding, boosting team morale and productivity along the way. To further equip yourself with insightful strategies, take a look at the following selection of books that excel in advising on effective leadership.

Flipping the Script: Leadership from a New Perspective

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Closing the Loop: Wrapping Up Essential Competencies for New Managers

3. Mastering Remote Leadership

Don't just adapt to the digital age - master it. Cultivate a virtual environment that values both connection and productivity. Tip: Regular team check-ins and personal one-to-ones can go a long way in fostering team spirit.

4. Grace Under Pressure: Confronting Uncomfortable Situations

Develop the skill to handle tough conversations with grace. Choose your words wisely and maintain an empathetic tone to effectively address any workplace issue. Tip: Practice active listening to ensure you fully understand the concern before responding.

5. The High Bar: Setting Accountability and Performance Standards

Promote a productive work environment by setting and maintaining high standards. Tip: Consistent feedback and clear communication about expectations can instill accountability in your team.

6. The Culture Architect: Building a Positive Workplace

A positive workplace culture is underpinned by trust, equality, open communication, and transparency. Tip: Lead by example and encourage these values within your team to foster a healthy work culture.

7. The Compass: Offering Mentorship and Guidance

Boost morale and productivity by becoming a mentor to your team and

implementing a mentorship program. Tip: Good mentors ask the right questions and provide valuable, constructive feedback.

8. The Fair Judge: Disciplining with Respect

No one enjoys the task of discipline, but as a manager, it's an inevitable part of the job. The key is to approach disciplinary situations with respect and fairness. Tip: Always balance critique with positive reinforcement and remember to focus on the behavior, not the person. This helps maintain a constructive atmosphere and promotes growth instead of resentment.

Manager Talks to Business Colleagues

9. Quick-Step Mastery: Sidestepping Common Pitfalls

Rookie mistakes are often unavoidable, but they can be minimized. Learn from others' experiences and develop strategies to avoid common pitfalls. Tip: Regularly reviewing workplace regulations and laws can help you steer clear of potential legal complications.

Less Than Symbol
female leadership in teamwork

Reinventing First Impressions:

Swag and Surveys for a Unforgettable Onboarding Experience

Written by Jha'nee Carter, the HRQUEEN

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An Extraordinary Welcome: Swag & Surveys

First impressions count, right? Now, let's apply that golden rule to your onboarding process. When your new hires step into their roles for the first time, we want them to feel the excitement, the anticipation, and above all, the connection to your team. That's where swag and surveys swing into the picture.

Think of it as your team's personal secret handshake, a "welcome to the squad" that's more than just a friendly face at the front desk or an employee handbook. With thoughtfully chosen swag and well-crafted surveys, you're not just saying, "Welcome to the job." You're saying, "Welcome to our world. We're glad you're here."

Now, the million-dollar question - why swag and surveys? Simple. They're fun, they're personal, and they can make a world of difference. Trust me on this. I've seen teams transformed by the power of a well-timed survey or a well-chosen piece of swag. So, let's explore how to reinvent those first impressions and create a remarkable onboarding experience together.

Female Leader

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

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Team of Happy Employees Giving Thumbs up Standing in Office after Corporate Meeting

Crack the Code with Surveys: The Ultimate Onboarding Game-Changer

Ever feel like you're in the dark when it comes to knowing your team? Like you're playing a never-ending game of '20 Questions' with your new hires and still coming up short? Or maybe you're trying to breathe some fresh life into your seasoned professionals' engagement levels? Well, hold on to your hats, folks, because we've got the ultimate decoder ring for you - Surveys!

That's right, with our handy-dandy, super-duper, can't-live-without-it "Ultimate Manager's Toolkit," you're getting not just one but TWO separate surveys - one specifically designed for your starry-eyed newbies and another crafted with your wise and experienced team members in mind.

Allow me to take you on a little trip down memory lane. Picture this: a team with engagement levels rivalling a snail's pace. Not the most inspiring scene, right? With the looming fear of losing my top performers, I knew it was time for a game-changer. Enter stage right, the "Team Member Survey."

But I didn't just dump it on my team with a quick "fill this out." Nope, I rallied my troops, asked them to collaborate, and expressed a genuine interest in understanding their work lives better. We dove into the nitty-gritty, trying to figure out what makes them tick, what makes them stay, what makes them smile.

The result was nothing short of spectacular. Engagement levels tripled, and my best talent stuck around. Why? Because they felt seen, heard, and most importantly, they felt appreciated.

The survey we used isn't your run-of-the-mill questionnaire. Oh no. This survey also includes a unique "Celebration Survey" for employee appreciation. Ever tried giving a bottle of wine to a top performer who doesn't drink? Yikes! Trust me, understanding your employees on a personal level goes a long way.

Now, let's get to the good stuff. Our "Ultimate Manager's Toolkit" comes packed with this incredible, ready-to-deploy survey. Whether you're rolling out the welcome mat for new hires or wanting to reignite the spark among your current team members, we've got you covered.

But wait, there's more. When you use this survey, you also snag a FREE Onboarding Toolkit, your roadmap to successful onboarding, including crafting amazing orientation programs and navigating the world of virtual onboarding.

Plus, there's an 'Employee Relations Management' spreadsheet in there too. This isn't your regular, old spreadsheet; think of it as your personal command center, helping you organize everything from employee info, performance reviews, to rewards recognition.

Ultimate Manager's Toolkit

what's included:

  • FREE Blueprint for Onboarding Success
  • Employee Relations Management
  • KPIs: Strategic Success Tracking
  • Team Member Survey (New Hires)
  • Team Member Survey (New Initiative)
  • FREE Thriving Through Leadership Guide
Corporate Building

Bring on the Swag! Unwrapping the Power of Personalized Goodies

Now, let's talk SWAG. When done right, swag isn't just about branding—it's about making new hires feel valued and part of the team from day one.

Let me take you back to one of my most unforgettable first days on the job. I walked into the office, excitement tingling through me like static. There, on the corner of my desk, sat a neatly stacked pile of goodies waiting just for me - a sleek notebook begging to be filled with my brightest ideas, a power bank ready to rescue my phone from the dreaded 1% battery, even a mousepad that doubled as a phone charger (and yes, as a self-confessed millennial, chargers make me giddy!)

Let's face it, who doesn't love a little surprise on their first day? Swag isn't just a fun perk - it's a sign that your company cares about its team members. It says, "We thought about you. We're glad you're here." And that sentiment? It sticks around, boosting morale, strengthening team loyalty, and yes, even aiding in employee retention.

But let's take it up a notch. It's not just about swag. It's about quality swag. We've all been given that cheap, forgettable freebie that's doomed to gather dust in a desk drawer. You don't want that for your team. You want swag that sparks joy, items that will actually be used and appreciated.

That's where BrandBlvd comes into play. These guys aren't just vendors; they're your personal swag strategists. They know how to tailor their swag to your team, ensuring every item hits the mark. From power banks for the tech-savvy millennials to stress-relief gadgets for those needing a moment of zen, they got you covered. Give BrandBlvd a try and watch the magic happen.

Here's a little humor-infused guide for the swag you might choose for each generation:

Boomers: Branded coffee mugs to enjoy their classic brew.

Gen X: Funky desk gadgets to remind them it's not all work and no play.

Xennials: Tasteful tech accessories, like branded USBs or mouse pads.

Millennials: Eco-friendly items like reusable water bottles or shopping bags. Sustainability is key!

Gen Z: Wireless earbuds or trendy phone stands. Keeping up with the TikTok dances, right?

Artificial Intelligence, Global Technology Development, Urban Finance

Artificial Intelligence and You:

Leveraging Tech for Peak Productivity

Written by London Marchand, Senior HR Manager

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Generative AI, as seen in tools like ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, and Google Bard, has become a key player in today's working environment. By leveraging machine learning, these tools are able to autonomously generate a range of original content including text, images, and even music. While the implications of this emerging technology might initially appear overwhelming, the benefits are undeniable. According to a Goldman Sachs report, Generative AI has the potential to replace up to 300 million full-time jobs, all the while creating new job categories and boosting global productivity by an approximate 7% annually over a decade.

Female developers using AI writes the code for data analytics

Incorporating Generative AI in your daily routine can prove advantageous, regardless of your field. Be it the information economy or practical professions, leveraging AI tools can significantly enhance your workflow. Using AI isn't about substituting human workers; it's about adapting and utilizing these advanced tools to stay competitive and valuable.

Corporate Building

Consider how these AI tools fit into

various roles:

Robot Work in Office

Administrative Tasks: AI can manage routine tasks such as scheduling meetings, managing emails, and organizing calendars. However, it may struggle with tasks requiring nuanced decision-making like conflict resolution or handling sensitive issues.

Project Management: Tools like ChatGPT can help in devising a detailed plan of action, though human intervention is essential for managing unexpected challenges.

Data Analysis: AI tools can interpret complex datasets, identify trends, and predict future outcomes. However, they may struggle with ambiguous or poor-quality data.

Research: AI tools can gather and summarize information faster than traditional methods, although the sources and quality of information should always be double-checked.

Writing: AI can aid in drafting reports and improving writing quality. However, conveying nuanced insights or crafting a persuasive narrative remains a human task.

Learning and Development: AI can be a valuable tutor, offering detailed explanations and breaking down complex topics. However, it may not be as adaptable to individual learning styles as a human tutor.

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Successfully employing Generative AI largely depends on how well you interact with it. Crafting effective prompts that guide the AI towards a useful response is vital. For example, assigning a role, specifying response formats, setting boundaries, and highlighting focus areas can make your prompts more effective. It's not just about asking a question, it's about engaging in a collaborative conversation.

Engineer with laptop, AI brain interface

In conclusion, the potential benefits of AI in enhancing productivity and improving learning and development are undeniable. Integrating these tools into your daily work routine and your team's operations can lead to increased efficiency, a more engaged workforce, and an overall competitive edge. However, we understand that starting your AI journey may seem daunting, and that's where we come in.

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Still navigating the waters of AI and ChatGPT? Our course, 'ChatGPT for Career Success', is the compass you need! Designed for beginners, it's an easy-to-follow guide into the world of AI. And, as a bonus, you'll get access to over 100 tailor-made prompts to kickstart your journey. Don't miss out on maximizing your productivity with this tech powerhouse!

Click Here to Start the Course

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Simple Quote Box

First and foremost, let me express how much I am enjoying the ChatGPT training. The knowledge and skills I've gained have truly transformed the way I approach my work. The ability to tap into the vast resources of information and guidance has been invaluable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with this remarkable tool.

One of the key areas where I have seen immediate improvement is in rewriting my resume. By applying the techniques I learned from ChatGPT, I successfully condensed it down from a lengthy three-page document to a much more concise and impactful two-page version. The result is a more powerful and focused representation of my skills and accomplishments. I am confident that this revamped resume will greatly enhance my chances of landing exciting career opportunities.

Moreover, I have been utilizing ChatGPT to draft professional emails to candidates and senior leadership. The insights I've gained from the training have helped me craft compelling and effective messages that not only communicate my thoughts clearly but also leave a lasting impression. This newfound confidence in my communication skills has been incredibly empowering.

Additionally, I recently provided a professional reference for someone, and ChatGPT played a significant role in helping me deliver a well-structured recommendation. It was a rewarding experience to contribute to someone's career advancement and reflect upon my own growth in the process.

Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your mentorship and for introducing me to the ChatGPT training. - Danielle W.

Workplace attitude

The Emotional Quotient:

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

Written By Brandon Brewer, Director of HR

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"Emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head — it is the unique intersection of both."

- David Caruso

In the fast-paced and dynamic environment of today's corporate world, technical prowess alone is not sufficient to guarantee successful leadership. A critical, often underappreciated component of effective leadership is Emotional Intelligence, or Emotional Quotient (EQ).

Happy multiracial colleagues engaged in teambuilding activity at workplace

EQ is the ability to identify, understand, and manage both our own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves a mix of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Leaders with high EQ are able to navigate complex social interactions, build healthier teams, make informed decisions, and foster an environment of understanding and mutual respect.


This softer aspect of leadership is particularly vital in today's diverse and inclusive work environments, where the ability to relate to a wide array of emotions and perspectives is crucial. Furthermore, it enables leaders to help their teams navigate through periods of change and adversity, something that's increasingly relevant in the post-pandemic era.

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Real-life scenario:

Imagine you're in a team working on a critical project, but everyone's at odds. Deadlines are getting missed, and the tension is escalating. The team lead, let's call him Mike, could have easily blown his top or started laying blame.

African Businessman Working on Computer

But instead, he took a step back, relying on his emotional intelligence to guide the situation.

Mike held individual chats with each team member, listening to their worries, acknowledging their feelings, and fostering an environment of open communication. He was honest about his own feelings too, sharing his concerns and hopes about the project and expressing his belief in the team. His empathetic approach worked wonders, calming the storm and giving everyone a morale boost. The team rallied, completed the project successfully and learned a lot about collaboration in the process. This goes to show the power of emotional intelligence in action - it's not just about being 'nice', it's about understanding and managing emotions to create a positive outcome.

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Here are some practical ways to enhance your Emotional Intelligence:

1. Foster Self-Awareness: Understanding your own emotions is the first step towards developing EQ. Reflect on your emotions and reactions. Take time to understand why you react the way you do. Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools to cultivate self-awareness.

Peaceful young african ethnicity woman reducing stress at workplace.

2. Practice Emotional Regulation: Recognizing your emotions is one thing; managing them effectively is another. Emotional regulation involves being able to stay calm under pressure, control impulsive feelings, and respond, rather than react, to situations.

3. Cultivate Empathy: Being empathetic means understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Practice active listening, show genuine interest in your team's experiences, and demonstrate compassion. This not only helps in building strong relationships but also fosters a supportive work environment.

4. Develop Interpersonal Skills: This involves effective communication, conflict resolution, and the ability to influence others positively. Practicing clear, concise, and thoughtful communication can enhance these skills.

5. Embrace Feedback: Constructive feedback is a gift. It helps us identify areas for improvement. Seek feedback actively, accept it graciously, and act on it to improve your interactions with others.

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For a deeper understanding of the concept and its application, consider reading "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" by Travis Bradberry. This book explores the groundbreaking concept of EQ and provides valuable insights on how it impacts our personal and professional lives. Link to the book

Workplace stress can bring serious consequences
Disabled man helping by coworker at workplace

Remember, EQ is not a destination but a journey. With constant practice and mindful application, it can become an integral part of your leadership toolkit. As leaders in this changing landscape, nurturing emotional intelligence will not only set you apart but also empower you to bring out the best in your team.

Group Of People Talking


Mastering the Art of Conversation for Conflict Resolution

Written By Jha'nee Carter

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"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't being said." - Shannon L. Alder

Manager Mentoring Trainee
Man Clenching Fists at Table While Restraining Anger, Closeup

Anger management issues? Difficulty dealing with diverse work personalities? If you can relate, then this section is for you. Mastering the art of conversation is crucial in resolving conflicts, both in personal and professional settings. But it goes beyond simply speaking well - it's about understanding, empathy, and creating a constructive dialogue that leads to resolution.

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Here's how

Practice Active Listening: In conflict resolution, nothing is more important than active listening. This involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering the conversation. When a team member expresses dissatisfaction about being left out of project decisions, for instance, practicing active listening might mean responding with something like, "So, you feel excluded from important decisions—is that accurate?"

law firm intern with manager

This approach reassures the person that they're being heard, diffusing tension and opening up opportunities for constructive dialogue.

Business people setting boundaries

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them: The remote work era has blurred the lines between our professional and personal lives. By setting and maintaining clear boundaries—such as having designated work hours, not checking emails after a specific time, or setting up a dedicated workspace at home—you can mitigate conflicts stemming from encroachments on personal space or time.

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Developing Empathy:

Understanding and sharing the feelings of others, or empathy, is a cornerstone of conflict resolution. When you can see a situation from another person's perspective, you're better equipped to address their concerns and find a resolution that respects everyone's interests.

Maintain Open and Clear Communication: Miscommunication is often at the root of conflict. Keeping channels of communication open and transparent—through regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, or creating a workplace culture where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts—is key to preempting and resolving conflicts.


Resolve Conflicts Immediately and Fairly:

Don't let conflicts fester. Address them as soon as they surface to prevent escalation. During conflict resolution, strive for fairness and impartiality, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to express their views and working towards an acceptable resolution for all parties involved.

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Managing difficult personalities

Personality Types:

The Gossipmonger: This type of employee indulges in office gossip and is often the source of rumors. Managers and HR professionals should handle this directly yet tactfully, communicating their expectations about professional behavior in the workplace. Continued issues might necessitate formal intervention or awareness training.

Multiethnic Team Having Conflicts at Work, Shouting at Unhappy Asian Female Employee
Happy Employees Applaud Thanking Speaker for Presentation

The Negative Nelly: This team member is perpetually pessimistic, focusing more on problems than solutions. Leaders should emphasize a positive, solution-focused work culture. Encourage this employee to adopt a problem-solving approach, and recognize their efforts when they do.

The Lone Wolf: This individual often resists collaboration, preferring to work alone. Leaders can engage them by ensuring their involvement in team activities and decision-making processes. Assign tasks that cater to their skills and comfort level, fostering a sense of team belonging gradually.

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The "Lazy Linda": This employee tends to procrastinate or miss deadlines. Address the issue directly in a private, supportive setting. Open dialogues might uncover underlying issues, such as unclear job expectations or personal problems, that could be addressed.

The "Micromanaging Mike": This team member struggles to delegate tasks, often leading to trust issues within the team. As a leader, provide feedback on the negative impact of this behavior on the team and encourage them to trust their colleagues' competencies. Leadership coaching or training can also be beneficial in these cases.

The "Always Right Rita": This individual tends to disregard others' opinions and struggles with receiving feedback. Training on the importance of feedback and listening in a collaborative environment can be beneficial. Encourage them to be open to other perspectives and to view criticism as a chance to grow.

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The "Grouchy Gary": Always appearing unhappy and eager to complain, this employee can affect team morale. Listen to their grievances and direct conversations towards solutions rather than complaints. Provide training on positive communication and constructive feedback.

Gossip about her
Male Coworkers employees man and woman Whispering Behind Back.

The "Credit-Stealing Susan": This coworker tends to claim others' work as their own. Ensure that contributions are acknowledged accurately during team meetings. If necessary, have a private conversation about the importance of giving credit where it's due.

The "Lying Larry": This individual often distorts truths or outright lies, causing mistrust within the team. Leaders should maintain an open and honest communication environment. If misinformation arises, correct it immediately and discuss the importance of trust in the workplace.

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Developing the skills to effectively manage these diverse personality types is crucial for HR professionals and managers. While these individuals can pose challenges, understanding their behaviors and learning to navigate them effectively can greatly improve team dynamics and overall workplace environment.

Group of Sucessful Business Person and Coworker Hand Shaking Wit
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Wrapping things up . . .

"As leaders, it's vital that we invest in ourselves, not just for our own growth, but for the growth of our teams and organizations. By refining our skills and expanding our knowledge, we're not only enhancing our own capabilities, but also modeling the importance of lifelong learning.

Remember, professional development isn't an expense; it's an investment that pays dividends in the form of stronger teams, more effective leadership, and a culture of continuous improvement.

So take that course, read that book, or attend that seminar. Your future self – and your team – will thank you. "


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Solution Spotlight

I know you are always looking for ways to help improve cash flow, manage compliance challenges and attract and retain top talent. Many of my clients are working with ADP® and seeing improvements in these areas. They have cost-effective solutions and experience with businesses like yours. And they have tools which allow me to access your payroll information without bothering you, so it’s a win all around. Below are highlights on their offering; I encourage you to click below to be connected to my amazing ADP Associate.

Click Here to Learn More

ADP is more than just a software, it's a one-stop-shop for all your business needs. No more frustration with managing multiple HR software, no more hair-pulling over payroll services. With ADP, you're in safe hands. Here's a sneak peek of what they offer:

  • PEO: An all-inclusive platform that combines payroll, HR support, Fortune 500 level health benefits, workers compensation, and more!
  • Retirement solutions: Options like 401k, SEP IRA, and Simple IRA to secure your employees' future.
  • Health benefits: An absolute game-changer in employee satisfaction.
  • HR support: Everything from creating an employee handbook to providing compliance training.
  • Workers compensation: With a unique pay-by-pay system, no need for an upfront premium.
  • Payroll and tax filing: Because nothing feels better than streamlined finances.

Run your Small Business better with Payroll, Tax, Benefits, and HR from ADP®.

Run payroll and file taxes effortlessly

ADP will help you select a package that meets your businesses needs and your budget.

Manage your team with confidence

ADP solutions include employee handbooks and an HR HelpDesk to help.

Attract and retain top talent

ADP can help you with hiring and retention best practices to help you keep top talent.

Curated Corner: Your Knowledge Booster

Welcome to the 'Curated Corner,' your one-stop resource hub for enriching reads and industry insights. Hand-picked just for you, these articles will keep you ahead of the curve in this fast-paced world of HR. So grab your coffee, get comfy, and let's dive into some knowledge!

Insightful Reads:

HR leaders are embracing hybrid work as a long-term opportunity to enhance organizational efficiency, employee satisfaction, and environmental ...

These trends are expected to have a substantial impact on the future of the workforce, with hybrid work models allowing employees greater flexibility ...

... the user in future training or improvements. This could lead to company data appearing in generated responses for other users that don't work ...

With help from the Society for Human Resource Management, college databases and the news, Hartz has been able to learn more about the future of AI ...

Click on the link to view



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